Clinics & Services

INR Clinics for Patients taking Warfarin
Weekly INR Clinics are held on a Tuesday. Trained nurses using the latest monitoring technology will take a blood sample, obtain an INR value and prescribe appropriately.
Other Specialist Services
- Asthma & COPD Clinics
- Diabetes Management & Monitoring
- Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention
- Hypertension
- Contraception
- Male/Female Health & Well-being
- Health Promotion
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Management Dietary Advice
- Minor Surgery
- Clinical Pharmacists
- Mental Health Practitioner
The Midwifery Team
A midwife is a specialist practitioner who is trained to care for mother and her baby during pregnancy, birth and aftercare. The midwifery team can be contacted on 01476 464334.
Community Midwife Angela Vickers holds a weekly antenatal clinic at Billingborough Surgery on a Wednesday.
The District Nurse Team
District nurses deliver high-quality care to people in their own homes. They can be contacted on 03001234868
Health Visitors
Health Visitors are qualified nurses with specialist training and experience in family and child health. The Health Visitors are based at Bourne Community Access Hub. Tel: 01522 843000
Citizens’ Advice Bureau
A South Kesteven C.A.B Advisor attends Billingborough Surgery by appointment. Free, confidential advice is available on benefits, tax credits and money issues. To make an appointment please telephone: (01476) 570786.